I think Trump is an absolute idiot. His tactics, however, are undeniably effective. Thought I'd just put together a short list of some of the things he does. Let me know what you think I missed.
- 1.) Always be on the offense:
Whenever Trump get's into trouble he immediately starts lashing out at other people. Often through a combination of Red Herrings and Ad Hominens Attacks he gets people off topic defending themselves or institutions instead of talking about Trump's problems.
Anchor: Yet more reports of Trumps ties to Russia are coming out. And we've just learned -
Trump: Obama tapped my phone!
Anchor: Trumpcare is expected cut 20 million American's health care -
Trump: The CBO is the absolute worst and can't get anything right!
Anchor: Trump's national security advisor lied to congress while -
Trump: The media is all fake news!
Trump gets a lot of people to go out and do his dirty work for him. It doesn't matter how obviously stupid and post hoc their rationalizations are - they're out there getting Trump's message out.
I think this is the one a lot of us don't quite fully get: He (or she) who doesn't show up for the debate - loses.
If a white-nationalist-bigot-racist-xenophobe-homophobe-misoginist-add what ever else you like to the list - has a forum to debate you - YOU BETTER SHOW UP!
Because if you refuse to show up - that thirty minutes or hour - or six months of Trump surrogates on CNN and everywhere else - are going to spend the whole time making their case. While you're making no case at all. And anyone on the fence or near the fence is going to move into their camp.
We defeat bad arguments with good arguments. Not by assuming the high moral ground or by sitting debates out on "principle". When they go low - we go . . . we don't go ANYWHERE!!! We point out the garbage that is coming out of their mouths and explain why our ideas are better!!!!
(sorry, got a little side tracked there)
They say persistence breaks down resistance. But it's also true that resistance can break down persistance. Trump fights tooth and nail on every topic and refuse to yield ground no matter what. While this does have some obvious drawbacks (like he's sacrificing his administrations entire credibility just to change the topic for one twenty-four-hour news cycle) it also means people are willing to concede a lot more ground simply because they're so tired of sloshing through the muck.
Alright, enough from me. What do you guys think?